Ilona Nyilas

Chapter – From an Oeuvre Exhibition

8999 Csöde
Csöde Artists’ Retreat
Erdész út 4.
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Ilona Nyilas’s photos comprise a rich and diverse set that spans decades and continents, and which is kept together and structured by a powerful element, the photographer herself, her subjectivity and mode of perception. Europe, America and Asia provide the stage of the pictures, with such points of thickening as London, Paris, Miami, Dubai, and Saigon. The thread that runs through the images is the photographer’s sensitivity, the keenness and surprising quality of her observations, the lyricism of her mode of perception. She captures moments the man in the street or a tourist would miss, because instead of the impressive views of a city or countryside, she trains her lens on unexpected events and moods that happen to unfold when she passes by.